Friday, November 2, 2012

Webspinna Final Links

The Websipinna was a completely unique experience, unlike anything I have ever participated in before.  Preparing for my performance was particularly interesting.  At first, I was confused where to begin.  I did not know websites that had specific sound effects, and I certainly did not know how I was going to mix everything (that is if I could find anything).  I began with my interests.  Finally something popped into my mind.  Many years ago my dad got me into listening to books on tape.  My favorite was by an astro-physicist, Brian Greene.  I decided the approach I wanted to take was to tell part of my life story through sound.  I searched the internet for a clip of this book because physics, math, time, and space have occupied my thoughts my entire life.  From there, I decided to find other sounds that expressed who I am, like the nature sounds I fall asleep to every night, and the montage of athletic noises to show the sports I have played my entire life.
In mixing my sounds, I wanted to begin with Brian Greene and introduce the audience to the workings of my brain.  I wanted this to last throughout the whole piece to show my curiosity that is always under the surface, even if it does not seem to be the most dominant thing at the time.  Then I used the magic squares website to slowly introduce an addition of new thoughts, dreams, and ideas that “pop” into my mind.  The noises of the athletes were added in half way through the performance because after part of my life had progressed and I was in high school, sports became so important to me and dominated much of what I did.  This narrator feel extended through my entire performance to give a representation of my life through sound.
The actual performance was interesting because I was surprised how much it matched up with my life just as the sounds did.  When I first got up, the sound from the previous person died out before I had a chance to begin.  I thought this was interesting because it left a gap between me and the person before.  This parallels my life because I was born quite a while after my siblings.  My brothers are close in age but significantly older than me.  Similarly, the person after me had troubles and the noise quit.  I also have younger sisters that are close in age, but born eight years after me.  In a way, this can represent how distanced in years I am with my siblings.  We are all extremely close and similar, just like the class performed the same sort of thing, but there is a separation of time between me and everyone else.  Another thing that I noticed performing is that no matter how well I thought I had things planned, it turned out differently than expected.  This is hugely representational of my life.  I am what you would call a “type A” person and love things to be in perfect order.  However, as the years go on, I realize that things change and you cannot control everything, no matter how well you plan.
Finally, I had a great time listening to everyone else’s Webspinnas, socializing and of course eating food.  I felt like the whole night really brought us together and we were able to express ourselves in different ways.  The thing I loved most was that we were able to come and share our lives with each other from farther back than we knew each other.

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