Monday, September 3, 2012

Music Mosaic

**To listen to the music for this piece, go to**

We all know Martin Luther King Jr. by his speech, “I Have a Dream.”  These four words have become iconic in America today, and symbolize a nation united in morals and values.  Peter Forbes notes that King did not say he had a plan, but rather a dream.  “He spoke of his deepest values without offering strategy and tactics.”   

My Music Mosaic relates to the “dream” we may all have in our life.  Though reality proves dandelions are weeds, they have become a symbol of hope as you blow your wish into the wind for something greater than yourself to fulfill.  We all begin our lives with these hopes, these wishes, these dreams, for our future – that the wind will blow us on a great path.   

The pictures I chose show a variety of surfaces we come in contact with every day.  These surfaces reflect what we would look like if our inner thoughts and feelings were brought to the “surface”.  Sometimes we come across wonderful fortunes, in which we look bright and happy, and are permitted and excited to continue forward with life, while others show our screams for help and our tears that fall to the ground.  Wherever we might be, however, each one of us has a vibrant garden full of opportunity to strive for.  We might be pointed in the right direction, or we might have no idea where to turn, because everything looks the same.  But if we keep that wish alive, we will find our path.   

The animated Disney movie, “Cinderella”, parallels the idea behind my Music Mosaic.  “A dream is a wish your heart makes,” says Cinderella, as she works hard to find the good in her difficult life.  Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream and my Music Mosaic’s wish both reflect the desires of the heart, that Cinderella so simply and profoundly tells us.  In the end, some people see their dreams fulfilled.  Cinderella married the prince and lived happily ever after.  However, some people do not directly see those dreams come to life, like Martin Luther King Jr.  But each of us have a legacy and an impact on the world - each of us help that beautiful garden grow and flourish - whether we see it in full blossom, or whether we are the nurturers who give it the chance to grow in the first place.

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